Reflection Story of Cap & Trade by Annie Leonard
Before watching this video, like the normal persons I did not know allot on climate change and UN proposed concepts of stopping or slowing down climate change, this video reflection has educate me on the current system in place for the future to save the world.
After learning allot about sustainability and undertaking the ecological footprint test we know that the world as we know it will change in the worst possible way if we do not stop and take a look around and realise that we are harming mother earth. We started the industrial revelation, we started using fossil fuel, we started to pollute our air, we started to pollute our waters and then should we be surprise that every day more and more people die of starvation because of failed farmlands because of drought, floods and the increasing numbers of natural disaster.
Like Annie Leonard mention “We need to pay back our ecological debt” and “the important first step is to create a clean economy” after watching this I have no faith in our current government in stopping climate change all they have done is hire greedy people whose only sole motivation is profit to create a “three trillion dollars bubble that could take down everything” and yes that everything is our world and our lives.

The carbon trading scheme that is proposed by the UN hasn’t even been finalised yet, governments around the world cannot agree to the term of the scheme. I see how the carbon scheme work and yes most of the governments participating has their heart to solving this issue but it’s not a perfect plan with loop holes and flows that can be exploited by selfish others .

For once “Cheating can end the world” the videos gives us example of how manufacturing demands and the corporate world can exploit this scheme and how this scheme can backfire against us.
I also realise how we as humans are dependent on fossil fuels to survive in this world, what happen when fossil fuels run out. Today fossil fuel decline has cause wars disguise as political agenda. “No law encouraging the use of coal can stop climate change period” we must plan our strategy to decrease our use of fossil fuel and eventually cease in using them.
“The good thing is once we understand the system; we start to see allot of places to step in and fix the problem and find the solutions” Cmon people we can do this, we change the world as we know it and we can give our children a better world to live in what we need to do is to create a;
· solid cap
· strong laws
· Carbon fees.