Sunday, May 2, 2010

Project 1- Design for disaster flood reflection

Looking back at the start of this project seems so long ago when we were given that briefs by the tutor, we have learnt a lot along the way from Mar’s lecture, the video reflection task and by challenging our self for this project.

After much discussion our group chose to design for flood disaster, it is a common disaster that strikes all nations of the world both developed and developing countries. However the effects of this disaster are more devastating to 3rd world countries as they lack in proper sewage systems, emergency service, technology and medical supplies.

Flood is a disaster that has always been a part of my life having brought up in Indonesia till I was 9 and when I often do return there was always some form of floods. Indonesia experiences a lot of flood due to its urban area, lack of warning system, poor sewage system and flood prevention.
Having some firsthand personal experience with floods in Indonesia I’ve concentrated my product design focusing on seasonal slow on-set floods that occur in Indonesia and to other developing countries with similar situation as Indonesia. Designing for floods takes me back to recounting personal experience about flood and its hazards back home.

Deconstructing the disaster into the four stages of prevention, preparedness, response, and reconstruction and deciding the best way to help Indonesian society to tackle the problems.
After undertaken personal research on floods, asking family members on flood info, data and interviewing them in depth about floods short term and long term effects, its hazards and the Indonesian response system, I have decided to design a product for the response stages in assisting affected victims, rescue victims, and most importantly makes the disaster areas safe.

This project turns out to be very emotional and challenging, as a designer we while researching for information we put our self in the mindset of the victims and the horrific suffering that they were force to experience. This project also tests our understanding as a designer and a human being because we are designing a product that can save lives! How our decision on certain aspects of our design can change their life.

Another point that was in the back of my mind while designing for project is to incorporate everything we have learned on this course especially focus on this semester which is to balance function and sustainability of the product that will hopefully adds to society and not to the land pit.

Below is some picture of victims of Flood disaster:

This is why its important to design something that is useful and helps society in time of disaster!

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